More Old Photos (1941-2007)
More Old Photos (1941-2007)
These photos were found in desk drawers and shoe boxes and old picture albums that no one ever looks at. They are on all sorts of subjects and occasions. Taken as a group, these photos tell a great deal about Warren and Carol's family. (Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of any of the following album pages.)
Breakfast at Nationals (Summer 2005)
Breakfast at Nationals (Summer 2005) 
To compete at Applause Nationals means getting up at 4:00 AM to do hair and make-up. (Notice that stage make-up is almost clown-garish so that it will show up under the bright lights on a huge stage.) After getting the hair and make-up done, one drives 20 miles or so to the theater and has to do breakfast at 6:15 AM. So here is 11-year-old Sarah trying not to screw up her make-up at Applause Nationals at the Marina Theater on St. Andrew's Bay at Panama City, Florida.