Cultural Trivia Quiz #57

1. Name the famous actor who both starred in and directed a 1941 movie named Citizen Kane.

2. What instrument did the 20th Century jazz musician Louis Armstrong play?

3. The American photographer Matthew Brady was most famous for his pictures of battlefields from which of America's wars?

4. Math Time! Take the number 7 and square it. To that result add 7. Divide that result by 7. From that result subtract 7. What is the final result?

5. The United States got its first national park in 1872. What was the name of that first park?

6. The book of John relates the story of Jesus raising a man to life who had been dead for four days. What was that dead man's name?

7. Name the female monster from Greek legends whose hair was actually composed of snakes and who could turn people who looked at her to stone.

8. Exactly how many items are included in "a baker's dozen"?

9. Sometimes this collection of Indian, Persian, and Arabian folk tales is called The Arabian Nights, and sometimes it is called The Thousand and One Nights. What was the name of the legendary queen who related these tales to her husband, one each night?

10. Which of the following languages was the language of ancient India? -- Dravidian; Sanskrit; Hindu; or Punjabi?

11. The name I am looking for is both the name of Peter Pan's home as well as the name of Michael Jackson's home. What is the name?

12. "Poor little rich girl" and "military intelligence" are both examples of figure of speech in which one word contradicts the other. Which of the following terms best fits that description? -- exaggeration; metaphor; oxymoron; or apostrophe?

13. Name the American poet who wrote the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner."

14. Who was the famous orator of ancient Greece who learned to overcome a childhood problem with stuttering by forcing himself to speak with pebbles in his mouth.

15. The first pope of the Roman Catholic Church from Poland was born Karol Wotilya. What was his papal name?

16. The man who assassinated Abraham Lincoln was an actor. Name him.

17. Geronimo was one of the most famous Indian tribal leaders of the Southwest. To which of the following tribes did Geronimo belong? -- Amalekites; Blackfeet; Incas; or Apaches?

18. Name any year during which the Spanish-American War was fought.

19. In America college professors have the right to express to express their ideas in the classroom even if the ideas are unpopular. Which of the following expressions refers to that right? -- abstract expressionism; academic freedom; licentious speech; or professional courtesy?

20. In which of the following arts, crafts, professions, or occupations did a 20th Century American woman named Sandra Day O'Connor become most famous? -- U.S. Supreme Court justice; heart surgeon; professional jockey; or airplane pilot?

21. What body of water washes the western shores of the continent of Australia?

22. In what city does one find a famous church known as Westminster Abbey?

23. Which of the following terms is used to refer to an unskilled common laborer in a large Asian city such as Hong Kong or Singapore? -- rickshaw; swiftie; coolie; or pasha?

24. Read the following sentence carefully: "J. B. Porterhouse was sometimes considered a poor college president because he based most of his decisions on the bottom line." Which of the following statements about President Porterhouse is true? -- Porterhouse let his love of athletics lead him into poor decisions; Porterhouse spent too much money on programs like music and art; Porterhouse was misusing college funds for personal projects; or Porterhouse judged programs and policies of the college only by whether they were profitable or costly?

25. Name the ancient Greek scientist who stepped out of his bath and exclaimed "Eureka!" when he realized that he could measure the volume of an object by measuring the amount of water it displaced.

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