Cultural Trivia Quiz #50

1. What is the main point of Copernicus' heliocentric view of the structure of the universe?
2. Mitosis is the technical term for which of the following? the death of a cell; one cell "splitting" into two identical cells; the nucleus of a cell; or the way a cell digests food?
3. Ohm's Law describes the relationship in a circuit between voltage, current, and which of the following quantities? capacitance; resistance; inductance; or homeostasis?
4. Name the 19th Century Czech Roman Catholic monk who discovered the basic principles of heredity by experimenting on peas growing in his monastery garden.
5. The symbol for element #100 in the periodic table is Fm and is named after a very famous scientist. Name the either element or the scientist.
6. What is the usual scientific explanation for the mass extinction of dinosaurs about 65 million years ago?
7. Name the early 20th Century American inventor who invented the process for quick-freezing food to preserve its freshness and taste. His first success was with frozen fish, but later he introduced frozen vegetables.
8. What was the main issue in the 1857 U.S. Supreme Court case known as Dred Scott v. Sanford?
9. Belgium has common borders with four European countries. Two of the countries are France and Germany. Name either one of the other two countries.
10. On the banks of what famous river does one find the ancient city of Jericho?
11. Name the British ruler who in 1877 was named Empress of India.
12. Which of America's wars included bloody battles on islands named Guadalcanal and Iwo Jima?
13. Which of America's wars began when President Lyndon Johnson issued the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
14. What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?
15. Which famous American speech includes the following words? -- ". . .that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth."
16. Which of the following verbs is in the future perfect tense? -- would be seen; will have been seen; was seen; or had been seen?
17. The Greeks called the goddess of love Aphrodite; what did the Romans call her?
18. In what condition must a woman be for the medical test known as amniocentesis to work?
19. What is the correct simple past tense form of the verb "to cost"?
20. Name any one of the first three U.S. citizens who won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
21. Name the famous movie actor who gave memorable movie performances as Stanley Kowalski and Don Vito Corleone.
22. Name either the lead prosecutor or the lead defense lawyer in the so-called Monkey Trial of 1925 held in Dayton, Tennessee. These two men were the most famous lawyers in the United States at that time.
23. According to the Old Testament, Samuel the Judge anointed the first king of ancient Israel. Name that first king.
24. In which of the following fields did a 16th Century Frenchman named John Calvin become most famous? -- religion; science; mathematics; or architecture?
25. Name the famous date in 44 B.C. when Julius Caesar was assassinated.

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