Photo Album Number Four (1937-2007)
Photo Album Number Four (1937-2007)
As I go through the house looking through drawers, closets, old boxes in the attic, and so forth, I keep finding lots of old photos. This album contains more photos of Sarah, Jacob, Carol, Warren, Michael, Thom and the persons important to them. There are also some interesting World War Two era snapshots. The photos are in the best chronological order I can devise. If you have a better date than mine, please notice that you can type in comments at the bottom of each photo page. Please feel free to comment.
Mario Loves the Outdoors (July 12,  2007)
Mario Loves the Outdoors (July 12, 2007) 
That is, he loves to stare at the great out-of-doors from the air-conditioned comfort of HIS house on Harness Circle. He won't go out an open door at all. The only dirt he is familiar with is that stuff in his litter box. All the live plants that he knows about grow in pots and are either on tables or cast iron plant stands.