More Old Photos (1941-2007)
More Old Photos (1941-2007)
These photos were found in desk drawers and shoe boxes and old picture albums that no one ever looks at. They are on all sorts of subjects and occasions. Taken as a group, these photos tell a great deal about Warren and Carol's family. (Please feel free to leave comments at the bottom of any of the following album pages.)
Crucifer and Acolyte (late 2005)
Crucifer and Acolyte (late 2005) 
Jacob was eventually promoted to crucifer, that is, the head acolyte who leads the processional of the pastor and clergy and choir to the altar for the main worship on Sundays. He is wearing white gloves so that the ornate cross he carried ("crucifer," get it?) wouldn't get tarnished by his sweaty hands. Sarah then became an acolyte. Methodists still use the Italian names for some of the vestments. The white surplice -- that's the term Catholic altar boys were taught for that fancy white pull-over -- are called "cottas" in the Methodist church. That's what acolytes in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican call them today. Anyway, little Sarah was swallowed up alive in her cotta, and it was the smallest size that our church had on hand.