Sign My Guestbook
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This guest book has been signed by web-surfers from Kenya, Tanzania, India, England, Cameroon, Germany, Nepal, Pakistan, Australia, Canada, and many other countries. (Click here to see a complete list of nations whose citizens have visited this site.)
It has been signed by people from Minnesota, Kansas, Florida, Colorado, California, and many of the rest of the states. (Click here to see a complete list of the states whose citizens have signed my guest book.)
Some of these people are prospective international students, some are the parents and financial sponsors of international students, and others are people who are interested in the cultures and peoples of our planet. There are signatures by a U.S. Army officer and by the director of marketing for a U.S. company which sells emergency medical supplies. The book has been signed by a grammar school teacher in Minnesota and by a British lady who once resided in Kenya.
Many of these people have given me valuable suggestions about what should be included in this site. So, please sign the book and let me know what you think of the site.