Photo Album Number Three (1941-2007)
Photo Album Number Three (1941-2007)
These are still more old photos that I found in drawers, shoeboxes, between the pages of an old Bible, etc., etc. They are arranged in chronological order as best I can. However, some of the dates of these photos are pure guesswork; so if you can give a better date, please feel free to provide a better date or any other comment at the bottom of the page where the photo appears. Also, there are links to other albums and a place to enter comments at the bottom of this page. Also, notice the links to other albums near the bottom of this page.
The Tomb of Raphael Semmes #2  (Jue 30, 2007)
The Tomb of Raphael Semmes #2 (Jue 30, 2007) 
Consider this irony: Semmes is buried in a run-down part of Mobile presently occupied by a nearly all-black neighborhood once known as Davis Avenue. When politically correct politicians were looking a street to name after Martin Luther King, Jr., they abolished the name of Davis and replaced it with King. The naval hero of the Confederacy -- wherever he is -- must find that funny or disturbing or ironic. There is also some degree of irony to see the little Confederate naval flag flying in the middle of a really rough-looking black neighborhood.