The pages below contain the instructional materials, the exercises, and the homework assignments for Home School Algebra I.

It begins with a review of the Algebra and Arithmetic skills that Jacob went over last year in a pre-Algebra course. (I have sent you the Algebra book we used in the first part of pre-Algebra.)

I will send you teacher sheets from time to time with simple teaching suggestions and also the answers to homework and test questions. Those sheets will be sent to Kathleen's email.

Attention Jacob: Don't skip any of these pages and don't go on to the next page until you are sure you understand the page you are on. You need to study with a pencil and paper. Email me with any questions you have.

Algebra One

Page #1(Four by Fours)
Page #2 (Four by Fours)
Page #3 (Four by Fours)
Page #4 (Four by Fours)

Mail me the "four by four" assignment before going on to the next page. (Be sure to keep a copy of what you send me.) This is a 100 point assignment with a 25 point possible bonus. Total possible points so far = 125 points.
Page #5 (Simple Equations)
Page #6 (Simple Equations)
Page #7 (Simple Equations)
Page #8 (Simple Word Problems)
Page #9 (Simple Word Problems)
Page #10 (Simple Word Problems -- This is the famous "Big Spender" problem.)
Page #11 (Simple Word Problems)
Page #12 (Simple Word Problems)
Page #13 (Simple Word Problems)
O. K., Jake! You should take the test which is on the next three pages and mail it to me before you go on to page 17. I will send Charles the correct answers after I receive your test. (Make sure you keep a copy of what you send me.) This is a 100 point assignment with a possible bonus of 10 points. Total possible points so far = 235 points.
Page #14 (Test #2)
Page #15 (Test #2)
Page #16 (Test #2)
Page #17 (More about Four by Fours!)
Page #18 (More about Four by Fours!)
Here is a short graded exercise: Discover ten new four by fours which use either the factorial sign, or "point-four-bar" (the sign you just learned to represent the repeating decimal .44444. . .), or which use both those signs. This exercise is worth 20 points, that is, 2 points for each correct answer. If you send, for example, only seven correct and complete four by fours, your score will be only 14 out of 20; so make sure you have ten good ones before you mail me the answers. (Be sure you keep a copy of everything you mail to me!) This is a 20 point graded exercise. Total possible points so far = 255 points.
Page #19 (Reviewing Fractions)
Page #20 (Reviewing Fractions)
Page #21 (Multiplying Fractions)
Page #22 (Multiplying Fractions)
Page #23 (Multiplying Fractions)
Page #24 (A Couple of Word Problems Involving Fractions)
Page #25 (Answers to Word Problems)
Page #26 (Dividing Fractions)
Page #27 (Dividing Fractions)
Page #28 (Dividing Fractions)
The next group of pages is really tricky, so don't skip any of the following pages. Try to copy the problems and solutions as you understand them. Just remember that you can't add or subtract fractions unless they all have the same denominator.
Page #29 (Adding and Subtracting Fractions)
Page #30 (Adding and Subtracting Fractions)
Page #31 (Adding and Subtracting Fractions)
Page #32 (Adding and Subtracting Fractions)